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Exhibit: “Waiting for Flowers” (“꽃을 기다립니다”)

Last year (2019), there were diverse exhibitions, performances, and lectures held throughout Korea to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Movement. “Waiting for Flowers” (“꽃을 기다립니다”) was a memorial exhibition for Korean citizens and tourists to pay their respects to independence fighters. The exhibition displays the names of 15,179 independence fighters and was…

Eating Out One Last Time Amid NY’s COVID-19 Outbreak

After New Yorkers ignored COVID-19 precautionary warnings against eating out, Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an Executive Order on Monday, March 16, limiting all NYC bars and restaurants to offer only delivery and takeout services. Effective starting at 8 p.m. that night, my sister and I decided to eat out one last time since we didn’t…

Let Me Introduce Myself and This Blog~

I’m Korean-American but I didn’t really know anything about my heritage until I went to college. I grew up in a predominantly white neighborhood and learned close to nothing about Korea. I always learned about China and Japan in history classes and whenever I questioned why we never learned about Korea, I was told it…

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