Celeb: Kangnam and Lee Sanghwa Marriage

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Singer- television personality Kangnam and legendary speed skater Lee Sanghwa recently got married on October 12, 2019! Kangnam, born Yasuo Namekawa, is part of the K-pop group M.I.B. and member of a variety show called <Law of the Jungle> (정글의 법칙). Lee Sanghwa joined the show for <Law of the Jungle: Last Indian Ocean> series (aired in September 2018) and immediately Kangnam fell in love. After the show ended, the members of the series would have get togethers and after getting to know each other more, Kangnam and Sanghwa decided to date seriously. After 5-6 months of dating, the couple revealed that they planned to get married. Many questioned whether their quick marriage plans were because Sanghwa was pregnant but the couple denied the rumors and stated that they knew they wanted to get married to each other so why wait.

Kangnam was very worried when the rumors of them dating were released because she is a legendary athlete and considered a national treasure. This was understandable because Sanghwa is a highly revered athlete with an impressive record. She currently holds the world record in women’s 500m with 36.36 seconds and has earned 46 gold medals, 17 silver medals, and 12 bronze medals throughout her 25 year long career. She has also won 2 olympic gold medals (2010 Vancouver and 2014 Sochi) and one olympic silver medal (2018 Pyeongchang). However Sanghwa didn’t care and suggested that they confirm the rumors. Since, the couple has been happily getting along and even showed their adorable and affectionate relationship through <Same Bed Different Dreams 2> (동상이몽2 – 너는 내운명). On the show, you can see how much the couple is in love with each other, Kangnam’s unique proposal, dress shopping, and more.

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I watched the part with Kangnam’s proposal and it was unique but perfectly fitting of the couple. Sanghwa is obsessed with nail art and always gets her nails done because as an athlete, the only way for her to dress up and express herself was through her nails. However only on her hands and not her feet because she is a speed skater. That’s why Kangnam went to learn how to give a pedicure and wrote “Marry Me” on her toenails! (Did a very good job for someone who has never given a real pedicure before!) He also presented her with a simple but beautiful ring. Contrary to his expectations, Sanghwa didn’t cry but it was a cute and rememberable proposal event!

Congrats to the beautiful newly wed couple!

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