Recipe: Bossam (보쌈)

My church had their annual bazaar last week and my mom bought 2 jars of kimchi because we were running low! (Wanted to buy more but there’s not enough space in our fridge unfortunately.) As usual, the kimchi was delicious~

While trying to figure out what to make for dinner, I wanted to make something that matched with fresh kimchi and saw a clip of Super Junior’s Leeteuk and Shindong having fresh kimchi with suyuk (boiled pork, bossam is a type of suyuk). Though they were having such a hard time making the kimchi, the suyuk didn’t look that hard to make so I decided to give it a try too~

I mixed Shindong’s recipe and recipes I saw online and also doubled it so it’d be enough to feed my family. But while cooking, I forgot that I doubled it… So the photos won’t match with the ingredients list but I swear it still tasted good! The dish takes a bit of time but it’s delicious and easy to make!


-2 one pound pieces skinless pork belly
-1/2 white onion
-2 large green onions (roots and white parts)
-8 cloves garlic
-1 inch ginger
-1 tsp whole black peppercorns
-1 1/2 tbsp fermented soybean paste
-1 tsp instant coffee
-1 tsp salt
-1 tbsp soju
-1 tbsp plum extract (or sugar)
-2 bay leaves
-8 cups water

1. Chop the ginger into thin slices.
2. Add all the ingredients, except the pork belly, into the water and bring to a boil over medium high heat for 5 minutes.

3. Add the pork belly and boil uncovered for 20 minutes.
4. Reduce the heat to medium low heat, cover the pot, and cook for until tender (40-60 minutes).
5. Cool the meat in the liquid to keep the meat moist even after cutting.
6. Slice the pork belly into desired size (~1 inch) and serve with desired side dishes.

Bon Appétit!

#visitkorea #imagineyourkorea #hellokorea #KTONY #cooking #recipe #bossam #boiledpork #yummy

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