Experience: Crane Machines, Anam

While studying abroad at Korea University in 2016, I became addicted to something… Really addicted…to crane machines!! There are a lot of arcades in Korea, especially around movie theaters or college neighborhoods. After eating out, round 2 can be for more food and alcohol or to go to the arcades. I preferred going to the arcades~ And I loved trying to win cute plushies from the crane machines!

After a while, I got pretty good at it~ I got some plushies after only one or two tries! I developed my own know-how~ (The first photo is only a part of what I won while studying abroad for 6 months!) But when I visited recently in March, I don’t know if I lost my touch or if they made the claws weaker but it’s really hard to win now (TT^TT)… Now I’ve learned to somewhat control myself but I can’t deny that when I go to Korea again, I’m going to find an arcade and give it another go~

I recommend going to the arcades near Korea University, mostly because that’s where I’m familiar with. After getting out of Anam Station Exit 3, turn around and there’ll be street corner.

Turn left and head down that street. There’s a lot of restaurants but last time I went, there will be a huge arcade to your right!

It can get pricey after a while so I don’t recommend excessively trying to win toys but it’s a fun experience that I think everyone should try once or twice~

#visitkorea #imagineyourkorea #hellokorea #KTONY #cranemachine #dolls

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