Exhibit: “Waiting for Flowers” (“꽃을 기다립니다”)

Last year (2019), there were diverse exhibitions, performances, and lectures held throughout Korea to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the March 1st Movement. “Waiting for Flowers” (“꽃을 기다립니다”) was a memorial exhibition for Korean citizens and tourists to pay their respects to independence fighters. The exhibition displays the names of 15,179 independence fighters and was held from March 2-8, 2019 at Seoul Plaza.

I had just arrived in Seoul and happened to see a post about the exhibition. That day was March 8th, the last day of the exhibition! Even though I was tired from my flight, I raced across Seoul to see the exhibition before it was taken down. I arrived literally one hour before workers started taking it down! I was so lucky because it was an extremely beautiful and humbling exhibition! I took a moment to walk through the thousands of poles, reading the names of the independence fighters and reading messages families left behind. I tried to look for the names of independence fighters I knew but unfortunately couldn’t find any. Regardless, it was a beautiful exhibition honoring Korea’s heroes and I was glad to have experienced it! 독립 운동가들의 희생을 잊지 않겠습니다! 대한민국 만세!!

#imagineyourkorea #hellokorea #korea.net #honoraryreporter #memorial #잊지않겠습니다

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